31 December 2016
The sun came out after a rainy morning, one last warm glow in 2016. Not quite cold, though not quite the warm California weather we were expecting. Rather, hoping.
Looking outward, the past year has been rough. But personally, 2016 was good. Kippa joined our family, Sarah was admitted into (and accepted) a graduate program and we continued to explore and enjoy the Pacific Northwest. We’ve made new friends, and become more active in our community.
I also accomplished two small, silly goals I set for myself one year ago: practice French and post a photo every day. (Being a leap year, I succeeded in both of these 366 times.) By no means am I fluent, nor a professional photographer; instead, I’m feeling more confident, and making practice a part of my routine. Small habits are hard to build, but I’m excited to have proven I can.
I’m not quite sure what 2017 will look like. I’m more anxious today than I was this time last year. But I’m also fortunate to have friends and family with me in this journey.